Every once and a while comes the opportunity to be the someone in somebody’s life that makes a difference. There are many people in my own past, present, and hopefully future that will pour into me without any expectation of return. My parents when I was growing up when my Mom would sit for hours at the table talking about business ideas and execution, my Dad selflessly driving me around town to mow yard and never asking me for anything to do it, my old football coach who taught me how to push through the hard parts, my wrestling coach who taught me about discipline, my boss who let me do side work and mentored me along the way. This list and sooo many others have become a part of the fabric of who I am today and I am eternally grateful. God placed each one of these people in my life and they selflessly gave.
As a business owner or entrepreneur it seems like there are endless ways that we are being asked to give. I guarantee if you have been doing business for any short amount of time someone has asked you for a sponsorship, a job they were unqualified for, a loan, or your time and when you assume that role it is somewhat expected. We obviously cannot do everything that we are asked to do. Remember Moses leading the Israelites through the desert. He finally hit his breaking point when he kept trying to be everything to everyone. We too cannot be everything to everyone, it is ok to say no sometimes, but there are people God is putting in our lives who he wants us to help shape and care for them
.So how do we know who God is trying to use us for? Prayer is always my first answer but not the only. You see I was recently reminded of a bible verse as I was having my own frustrations with one of these relationships. As I was complaining to myself about the situation God put it to me simply,” Never get tired of doing good” (Galatians 6:9). Boom, I stopped my complaining and then suddenly a sense of gratitude for this person overwhelmed me. This person was someone God was trying to use me with and here I was acting like a 2 year old who got his toy taken away. I know this is simple but I like simple. God says childlike faith is what he desires and for me simple is as close as it gets.
Paul goes on to say in this verse, “ At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”. I am not a fan of ever doing anything with the expectation that God will reward me for it but he has always done more for me than I have ever done for him. It’s just who he is, his promises always stand true. So when God puts someone in your life, be grateful for them and never get tired of doing good. God bless you guys!