I Don’t Want To Go There

Do you ever feel like you’re climbing uphill pulling a sack of bricks behind you? Like no matter how hard you try you’re not making any progress. I know that I have. I remember having times in my business that we would do all of the “right” things but would end up worse off than the month before. We had all of the processes and procedures and the metrics and all the other stuff that everyone tells you that you need to have a successful business but we fell short. It never made any sense to me. We would be plugin along and every inch we gained something would happen and we would lose that inch. I also remember times when it felt like total chaos but somehow we performed better than ever.

I was reading Jonah this morning and this same principle applied to him. We have all heard the story of Jonah and the whale but what about before the whale? Jonah wasn’t avoiding God because he was scared to go to Nineveh, he was avoiding God because he didn’t want to see Nineveh saved (Jonah 4:2). He wanted to see his version of justice served to Nineveh. He wanted to play God. Do you ever try to run your business that way?

As Jonah tries to run away and books a cruise to Tarshish, God sends a storm that is likely to destroy the boat and everyone on board. As the boat is near destruction Jonah realizes that he is the cause of this and he knows he must sacrifice himself for the sake of others. He finally comes to the realization that God’s plan has to come first and his plans second. We all know what happens next, the fish comes, he follows God’s command, and Nineveh is saved.

So how does this apply to our business lives? It is easy to go about our days without following God’s plan for us. But everyday we should be asking God if there is a Nineveh we need to go to, is there something He wants us to do that we have been running away from. Those circumstances you’re going through may be God trying to get your attention. That bag of bricks you’re pulling behind you may be the very thing God wants to use to align your life and business with his purpose. If you’re not sure if you are living God’s will for your life and business with his purpose take some time and go pray about it. I’ve found that in those difficulties God is usually waiting to help us through them and show you that they are actually blessings. Think about that storm that almost sank the boat. Was it a blessing? I’m sure it didn’t seem like it at first but in hindsight we know that it was.

P.s. If you have never actually read the book of Jonah I encourage you to do so. It is only 4 chapters long and about 2 pages. As you read it, put yourself in each character’s perspective. This really makes the story come to life and you will see lessons and truths hidden in there that you have never noticed before. My favorite part of the story is actually what happens at the end, after Jonah carries out God’s command and all of Nineveh repents, but you will have to read it to find out.

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